2007年5月17日 星期四

Argument and Persuasion - Smoking in public places (First Draft)

Smoking in public places

I. Thesis statement: People should not smoke in public place because smoking will pollute the air, and it will produce second-hand smoke. Also, smoking in public may cause fires.

II. Produce second-hand smoke
A. Prevent pregnant women from bearing a healthy baby.
B. Invade other people’s health.

III. Pollute the air
A. Restaurant.
B. Bus.

IV. Cause fires
A. Throw away the smoking stub carelessly.
B. Not notice the smoking stub is still burning.

V. Conclusion: Thus, people should not smoke in the public spaces for it will not only respect other people’s rights but also is good for smokers' health themselves.

About five years ago, my aunt got severe lung cancer for the reason that she let all of her customers smoke in her restaurant. She didn’t have the habit of smoking, but second-hand smoke caused in her lung cancer. Consequently, people should not smoke in public places because smoking will produce second-hand smoke and it will pollute the air. Also, smoking in public may cause fires.

First of all, smoking in the public places will cause second-hand smoke. Second-hand smoke will prevent pregnant women from bearing healthy babies. If pregnant women breath in the second-hand smoke, it will cause the effect of reducing the weight of baby, or it will lead to give the premature birth of the baby. In addition, second-hand smoke will also result in other diseases. Second-hand smoke is the incomplete burning, so it will have more poisonous substance than smoking and have the substance that will cause cancer easily such as lung and breast cancer. According to the American and the Australian research, second-hand smoke will also raise the chance of getting paralytic stroke, heart disease and diabetes. Besides, the second-hand smoke will cause the women’s menopause come earlier.

Smoking in the public spaces will not only cause the second-hand smoke, but also pollute the air. For example, if people smoke in the restaurant, it will produce the smoke that make people sneeze and cough because the substance of the smoke has will upset the breathing tract, or it will make people burst into tears. Although many restaurants in Taiwan have been divided into smoking and non-smoking areas, the harm of smoking will not reduce. The poisonous particles of smoking will still stay in the air for several hours after smoking and people in the non-smoking area will breath in these particles through the circulation of the air. Moreover, smoking in bus will make the quality of air in the bus worse. I had a bad experience that a man’s smoking resulted in my continuous coughing and extremely uncomfortable.

Third, smoking in the public place may cause fires. Many smokers always throw away the smoking stub carelessly, and they often don’t notice that whether the stub is still burning or not; furthermore, it is the secondly main reason that causes fires in Taiwan. This kind of careless action is so dangerous that if the stub is still burning, and it meets the tindery substances, it will cause fires. Additionally, if people throw away the burning stub in the forest, it may cause forest fire. This is the great calamity of natural environment because forest fire may last for one month, and it will contribute to air pollution and the extinction of living things in the forest.

In short, smoking in the public space has many disadvantages such as producing the second-hand smoke that will hurt other people’s health, polluting the air that will let people have uncomfortable feeling, and causing the fires that may do big damage to natural environment. Thus, people should not smoke in the public spaces for it will not only respect other people’s rights but also be good for smokers’ health themselves.

3 則留言:

mendywang 提到...

In Belle's article, the thesis statement and the supporting points are very clear. The disadvantages that smoking would cause are pretty persuasive and I'm convinced by her tone of writing. I believe that smoking can do no good to our environment or our bodies, therefore smoking in public places should definitely be prohibited under official laws.

My blog 提到...

After reading Belle's essay, I am convinced that smoking in public places is not good and should be banned. She talks about different ways to explain why smoking is bad. I like her example--although some restaurants are divided into smoking and non-smoking areas, the smoke still spread everywhere. Yes, even no- smoker people will become victims. And, in the fourth paragraph, she says that smoking will harm our properties and the worse thing is causing calamity of natural environment--increasing impact on smoking .But, there are something that Belle's should note: a word's spelling. "Breath" is a noun not a verb, and in "the smoke that make people sneeze ",make should add "s". Moreover, in the second paragraph, poisonous substance should illustrate so that the readers will understand that smoking is bad, giving more evident. Generally, your examples are good to persuade the readers.

smilewinter 提到...

Your points are very clear and easy to understand. And it is good to list an example you experience realily because in this way, it persuit people more agree smoking in public places is bad. But I think smoking polutes the air is a little weak. I suggest that you can broad this point.