2007年5月10日 星期四

Cause-Effevt Essay - Language Proficiency and Success (Second Draft)

Language Proficiency and Success

I. Thesis statement: Language proficiency will lead people to their success in career, interpersonal relation, and their acquisition of new things.

II. Career
A. Get job easily
B. Do job well

III. Interpersonal relation
A. Leave good impression on people easily
B. Express oneself clearly

IV. Acquisition
A. Listening ability
B. Reading ability

V. Conclusion: If people have good language proficiency, they can succeed in their career, in their interpersonal relation, and in their acquisition of new things. Consequently, people should try their best to get good language proficiency to gain successful lives.

Language plays a vital part in people’s daily life for that language is a tool of communication. In my opinion, language proficiency has important relation to success. For example, good speaking proficiency will lead people to the success in their career, interpersonal relation, and even in their whole life.

First of all, good language proficiency will make people succeed in their career. People will get job easily resulting from their good language proficiency. For instance, when a person has an interview with his/her boss, and if that person can make full use of his/her good speaking proficiency to show why the boss may hire him/her, that one will get job easily. In addition, having good speaking proficiency will lead people to do their job well. If a salesperson has good speaking proficiency, he/she can persuade his/her customers to do business with him/her easier. Language proficiency is so significant that it will help people be successful in their jobs.

Good language proficiency will also contribute to people’s good interpersonal relationship with other people. If a person has good speaking proficiency, he/she will leave a good impression on other people easily because he/she can promote himself/herself persuasively. Additionally, good language proficiency can be the reason for expressing people’s ideas clearly. If people can speak well, they will also have good proficiency in the organization of content, so they can express what they think clearly. Also, they can avoid unnecessary misunderstanding of other people. Therefore, people’s successful interpersonal relationship can be a consequence of good language proficiency.

Third, good language proficiency will result in people’s success in their acquisition of new things. Good listening proficiency is helpful to people’s understanding when they are learning. For example, if a student has good listening proficiency, that one can understand what the instructor says easier; then, that student will have more confidence in learning, and may have more chance to succeed in learning. Besides, good reading proficiency is useful for people’s comprehension when they want to know about new information or knowledge. People can get new information or knowledge by self-study to reference books or by browsing many webs on the Internet. If people don’t have good reading proficiency, they can’t easily get the main ideas of what they read, and they may not successfully acquire what they want to know. Hence, good language proficiency can be the reason for the success in acquisition of new things.

To sum up, having good speaking proficiency is essential in our life in many respects. If people have good speaking proficiency, they can succeed in their career, interpersonal relation, and in their acquisition of new things. Consequently, people should try their best to get good language proficiency to gain successful lives.

2 則留言:

smilewinter 提到...

You write so good. Some view points you list are that I don't think. And you take "career, interpersonal relationship, and acquisition of new knowledge" as three main part make me read more fast and more clear. I really admire this article.

My blog 提到...

I agree it if you want to succeed in your life, language proficiency is a key to achieve it. In Belle's article she sets up a good structure and uses good wording .For instance, her supporting sentences are parallel and she uses different words to replace the same meaning. In addition her grammar is correct. Besides, she uses different transition and it is “fluently “.Hence I think that it is a good essay. But in the fourth paragraph, it is not proper to use “browsing the website “,but surfing. Belle gives a lot of example to show her ideas. It is good to see different views in this topic.